Packing for Adventure | Snorkel Ready

St. John is well known for it's fantastic snorkel friendly waters. They are some of the best in the Caribbean. The beaches on the island are teeming with sea life, and I plan to explore every last inch! I've put together a few things necessary for a day on the beach and in the water.

Snorkel ready


  1. Love the island colors here! St. Johns would be a dream!! Love these snorkel picks!! :)

  2. Love the colorful bathing suit!! The turkish towel is such a pretty color too!

  3. Loving these colors! Enjoy the fabulous adventure that awaits!! xo

  4. Okay, I'm admittedly a spaz withr pinterest, but I can't find a source for this flamingo bikini.
    Please tell me where I can get one!

  5. Okay, I'm admittedly a spaz withr pinterest, but I can't find a source for this flamingo bikini.
    Please tell me where I can get one!


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